
  • 판매자 배송
  • [중고] Socialist Register 2011 - The Crisis This Time
  • 알라딘(디폴트)2010-01-01
[중고]  Socialist Register 2011
  • 새상품
    18,500원 7,400원
  • 판매가
    7,400원 (정가대비 60% 할인)
  • 상품 상태
    • 배송료
      50,000원 미만 구매시 택배 3,300원, 도서/산간 6,000원
    • 판매자

    무이자 할부 안내

    • * 2~3개월 무이자 : 현대,하나,국민,삼성,롯데
      * 2~5개월 무이자 : 신한
      * 2~6개월 무이자 : 우리,BC,농협
      * 전월대비 변동사항 : 롯데 2~5개월 à 2~3개월 축소
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    중고상품 구매 유의 사항
     책 소개 

    Crisis have a way of clarifying things. Remember when we were told again, by Wall Street whiz kids and Ivy League economists, that freeing up the economy was the road to stability? That the solution to market instability was - to free up the markets even more? That the obscene salaries and perquisites being handed to CEOs and financial analysts were 
    worth it because they were bringing prosperity to all?----------from the preface of this book


    ● 목 차

    Leo Panitch, Greg A1bo, Vivek Chibber 
    Preface = ix 

    Leo Panitch, Sam Gindin 
    Capitalist crises and the crisis this time = 1 

    Hugo Radice 
    Confronting the crisis: a class analysis = 21 

    Anwar Shaikh 
    The first great depression of the 21st century = 44 

    Johanna Brenner 
    Caught in the whirlwind: working-class families face the economic crisis = 64 

    Doug Henwood 
    Before and after crisis:Wall Street lives on = 83 

    Julie Froud, Michael Moran, Adriana Nilsson. Karel WiIliams 
    Opportunity lost: mystification,elite politics and financial reform in the UK = 98 

    Riccardo Bellofiore, Francesco Garibaldo, Joseph Halevi 
    The global crisis and the crisis of 
    European neomercantilism = 120 

    R. Taggart Murphy 
    A loyal retainer? Japan,capitaIism and the perpetuation 
    of American hegemony = 147 

    Sam Ashman, Ben Fine, Susan Newman 
    The crisis in South Africa: 
    neoliberalism, financialization and 
    uneven and combined development = 174 

    Dick Bryan, Michael Rafferty 
    Deriving capital’s (and labour’s) future = 196 

    Susanne Soederberg 
    Cannibalistic capitalism: the paradoxes of 
    neoliberal pension securitization = 224 

    Alfredo Saad-Filho 
    Crisis in neoliberalism or crisis of neolibera1ism? = 242 

    Karl Beitel 
    The crisis,the deficit and the power of the dollar: resisting the public sector's devaluation = 260 

    Greg Albo, Bryan Evans 
    From rescue strategies to exit strategies: 
    the struggle over public sector austerity = 283 

    Noam Chomsky 
    The centre cannot hold: 
    rekindling the radical imagination = 309
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