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저자 Leo penitch 외 | 출판사 Left word
● 책 소개 This,the 45th volume of the Socialist Register, takes up a question that has preoccupied socialists for over a century - the likelihood that if capitalism is allowed to persist it will be characterised by increasing violence. When Rosa Luxemburg in 1916 quoted Engels' famous statement that ‘ Capitalist society faces a dilemma: either an advance to socialism, or a reversion to barbarism', she asked: ‘What does a “reversion to barbarism" mean at the present stage of European civilisation? We have all read and repeated these words thoughtlessly, without a notion of their terrible seriousness. At this moment,one glance around us will show what a reversion to barbarism in bourgeois society means. This WorId War - that is a reversion to barbarism'. Given the extent and extremity of violence today, even in the absence of world war,and two decades after the end of actually-existing socialism,it is hard not to feel that we are living in another age of barbarism.------------in the book insideⓕ |