
[중고] Socialist register 2009 Violence today
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    • US, 해외배송불가, 판매자 직접배송
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    중고상품 구매 유의 사항
    중고상품 구매 유의 사항

    저자 Leo penitch 외 | 출판사 Left word

     책 소개 

    This,the 45th volume of the Socialist Register, takes up a question that has preoccupied socialists for over a century - the likelihood that if capitalism is allowed to persist it will be characterised by increasing violence. When Rosa Luxemburg in 1916 quoted Engels' famous statement that ‘ Capitalist society faces a dilemma: either an advance to socialism, or a reversion to 
    barbarism', she asked: ‘What does a “reversion to barbarism" mean at the present stage of European civilisation? We have all read and repeated these 
    words thoughtlessly, without a notion of their terrible seriousness. At this moment,one glance around us will show what a reversion to barbarism in bourgeois society means. This WorId War - that is a reversion to barbarism'. 
    Given the extent and extremity of violence today, even in the absence of world war,and two decades after the end of actually-existing socialism,it is hard not to feel that we are living in another age of barbarism.------------in the book inside

    ● 목 차

    Preface 1 

    Reflections on violence today 5 

    American militarism and the US political 
    establishment: the real lessons of the 
    invasion ofIraq 23 

    On-screen barbarism: violence in US visual culture 54 

    Race,prisons and war: scenes from the Gilmore history of US violence 73 

    State talk, state silence: work and ‘violence’ in the UK 88 

    Violence’s victims: the gender landscape 105 

    GirIs as disposable commodities in India 128 

    India’s paradigmatic communal violence 141 

    Reflections on Indonesian violence: two tales and three silences 163 

    Colombia: old and new patterns of violence 181 

    The commodification of violence in the Niger Delta 199 

    Revolutionaries,barbarians or war machines? Gangs in Nicaragua and South Africa 220 

    Emancipation and the left: the issue of violence 239 

    The defence of humanity requires the radicalisation of popular struggles 260 

    Human shield 273
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