
[중고] Hackers Grammar Gateway Basic with Answers (영문판, 영문법 원서)
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    무이자 할부 안내

    • * 2~3개월 무이자 : 현대,하나,국민,삼성
      * 2~5개월 무이자 : 신한,롯데
      * 2~6개월 무이자 : 우리,BC,농협
      * 전월대비 변동사항 : 국민 / 삼성 2~5개월 -> 2~3개월 축소
      ※ 제휴 신용카드 결제시 무이자+제휴카드 혜택 가능합니다.
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    상품을 장바구니에 담았습니다.

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    • US, 해외배송불가, 판매자 직접배송
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    중고상품 구매 유의 사항
    중고상품 구매 유의 사항
    The Book's Features
    The Book's Structure

    Present Simple and Present Progressive
    001 be (am/is/are)
    002 be negative (am/is/are not)
    003 be questions (Am/Is/Are . . . ?)
    004 Present progressive (am/is/are + -ing)
    005 Present progressive negative and questions
    006 Present simple (1)
    007 Present simple (2)
    008 Present simple negative (do/does not)
    009 Present simple questions (Do/Does . . . ?)
    010 Present progressive vs. Present simple

    Past Simple and Past Progressive
    011 was/were
    012 was/were negative and questions
    013 Past simple
    014 Past simple negative and questions
    015 Past progressive (was/were + -ing)
    016 Past progressive negative and questions
    017 used to

    Present Perfect
    018 Present perfect (1)
    019 Present perfect (2) Continuous actions
    020 Present perfect (3) Experiences
    021 Past simple vs. Present perfect
    022 just already yet

    023 Future (1) will
    024 Future (2) am/is/are going to
    025 Future (3) Present progressive and Present simple

    Modal Verbs
    026 can could
    027 might may
    028 Can/Could I . . .? Can/Could you . . .? May I …?
    029 must
    030 have to
    031 should
    032 would

    033 Passive
    034 Active vs. Passive

    035 Questions (1)
    036 Questions (2) who what which
    037 Questions (3) where when why
    038 Questions (4) how
    039 Tag questions
    040 Indirect questions

    -ing and to . . .
    041 -ing and to . . .
    042 -ing/to . . . as objects
    043 Verb + -ing/to . . .
    044 Verb + person + to . . .
    045 to . . . of purpose

    Nouns and Pronouns
    046 Singular and plural
    047 Countable and uncountable nouns (1)
    048 Countable and uncountable nouns (2)
    049 a/an and the
    050 the
    051 Pronouns
    052 it for time date etc.
    053 Possessives (1)
    054 Possessives (2) -'s
    055 -self
    056 this/these and that/those
    057 one ones

    058 some and any
    059 no none
    060 many and much
    061 (a) few and (a) little
    062 all and every
    063 both either neither
    064 all/most/some/none of

    Adjectives and Adverbs
    065 Adjectives
    066 Adverbs
    067 Adjectives vs. Adverbs
    068 always often never etc.
    069 too
    070 enough
    071 so
    072 Comparatives (1)
    073 Comparatives (2)
    074 Superlatives
    075 as . . . as

    Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
    076 Prepositions of place at in on (1)
    077 Prepositions of place at in on (2)
    078 Other prepositions of place
    079 Prepositions of direction
    080 Prepositions of time (1) at on in
    081 Prepositions of time (2) during and for in and within
    082 Prepositions of time (3) from . . . to since by until
    083 Other prepositions with without by
    084 Adjective + preposition
    085 Verb + preposition
    086 Phrasal verbs

    Conjunctions and Clauses
    087 and but or because and so
    088 when and while
    089 before and after
    090 since and until
    091 if (1) if + present simple
    092 if (2) if + past simple
    093 if (3) if + present simple vs. if + past simple
    094 Relative pronouns who/which/that as subjects
    095 Relative pronouns who/which/that as objects

    Various Sentences
    096 there + be
    097 Verb + person + thing
    098 Orders suggestions etc.
    099 Reported speech
    100 too and either so and neither

    TEST 1
    TEST 2
    TEST 3
    TEST 4
    TEST 5
    TEST 6
    TEST 7
    TEST 8
    TEST 9
    TEST 10
    TEST 11
    TEST 12
    TEST 13
    TEST 14

    1. Parts of Sentences and Parts of Speech
    2. Irregular Verbs
    3. Spelling Rules
    4. Short Forms
    5. Nouns and the
    6. Pronouns
    7. Adjective + Preposition Phrases
    8. Phrasal Verbs



    1. 초보를 위한 기초 영문법 한 달 완성
    1) 풍부한 예문 연습문제와 함께 기초 영문법 한 달 완성
    2) 영어로 더 쉽고 자연스럽게 배우는 영문법

    2. 어려운 문법 용어 없이 쉽게 이해
    1) 초보도 이해하기 쉽도록 문법 용어 없이 풀어서 설명
    2) 문법 내용을 표와 그래프를 활용해 깔끔하고 쉽게 정리

    3. 삽화 캐릭터와 함께 재미있게 학습
    학습할 문법 포인트가 어떤 상황에서 쓰이는지 보여주는 생생한 삽화를 통해 재미있게 학습

    4. 부담 없이 끝낼 수 있는 문법 책
    1) 문법 포인트 학습 후 문제풀이까지 두 페이지로 끝내는 부담 없는 구성
    2) 끝까지 공부할 수 있게 동기를 부여하는 '학습 진도표' 수록

    5. 영어회화 영작까지 동시에 학습하는 실용적인 기초 영문법
    1) 실생활에서 쓸 수 있는 예문과 대화문 수록
    2) 회화 영작을 연습해보는 '문장/대화 완성 문제' 수록

    6. 학습한 기초 영문법을 총 정리하는 14회분의 TEST 수록
    앞에서 공부한 모든 내용을 통합해 점검할 수 있는 'Review Test' 14회분 수록

    ※ 본 교재 MP3는 해커스인강(HackersIngang.com) 에서 다운받을 수 있습니다. (별매)
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