
[중고] Heitai: Uniforms, Equipment and Personal Items of the Japanese Soldier, 1931-1945 (Hardcover)
  • 새상품
    170,770원 134,950원 (마일리지6,750원)
  • 판매가
    110,000원 (정가대비 36% 할인)
  • 상품 상태
    • 배송료
      32,000원 미만 구매시 택배 3,000원, 도서/산간 4,600원
    • 판매자
    • 출고예상일
      통상 24시간 이내

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    • **무료배송**
    • 외국도서 > 역사 > 군사 > 제2차 세계대전
    • 역사 > 아시아 > 일본

    • 출판사 제공 책소개
    • Once the seemingly invincible conquerors of nearly all of East Asia, today relatively little is known of the exact weapons, uniforms, and lifestyle of World War II Japanese soldiers (the Heitai). In this lavishly illustrated book, readers and historians alike can finally glimpse the precise personal effects of the Imperial infantryman.
    • Thanks to a collection carefully nurtured through the decades, every aspect of the Heitai's daily existence is shown in detail with superb color photography accompanied by informative descriptions. Items range from weapons to clothing (both tropical and arctic), eating implements, communications equipment, awards, helmets, insignia, visual devices, gas masks, canteens, cameras, tents and footwear. Also included are propaganda leaflets and simple reading material issued to the Heitai during long, slow periods of service on isolated (sometimes bypassed) Pacific islands.
    • By examining the exact possessions of a Japanese soldier--from dagger to toothbrush, from hand grenade to undergarments--one is able to see history come to life in a way no cinema or text alone could convey. At the same time, it is of interest to note both the differences between an Imperial fighter's equipment with that of a GI, and how in many ways it was similar.
    • As a companion volume to the bestselling Deutsche Soldaten, this over-sized, one-of-a-kind work on the Imperial Heitai provides a uniquely illuminating view of the Japanese fighting man who was once America's most fearsome enemy.

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