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  • [POD] [중고] Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research (Hardcover)
  • Fabio Canova (지은이)Princeton Univ Pr2007-02-11
[중고] Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research (Hardcover)
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    112,470원 151,080원 (마일리지7,560원)
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     20여쪽의 간단한 짧은 밑줄 외엔 낙서없는 상급 / 양장본 (자켓 없음) / 492쪽 | 239*165mm | 언어 : English | 826g | ISBN : 9780691115047(0691115044)

    The last twenty years have witnessed tremendous advances in the mathematical, statistical, and computational tools available to applied macroeconomists. This rapidly evolving field has redefined how researchers test models and validate theories. Yet until now there has been no textbook that unites the latest methods and bridges the divide between theoretical and applied work. Fabio Canova brings together dynamic equilibrium theory, data analysis, and advanced econometric and computational methods to provide the first comprehensive set of techniques for use by academic economists as well as professional macroeconomists in banking and finance, industry, and government. This graduate-level textbook is for readers knowledgeable in modern macroeconomic theory, econometrics, and computational programming using RATS, MATLAB, or Gauss. Inevitably a modern treatment of such a complex topic requires a quantitative perspective, a solid dynamic theory background, and the development of empirical and numerical methods--which is where Canova's book differs from typical graduate textbooks in macroeconomics and econometrics. Rather than list a series of estimators and their properties, Canova starts from a class of DSGE models, finds an approximate linear representation for the decision rules, and describes methods needed to estimate their parameters, examining their fit to the data. The book is complete with numerous examples and exercises. Today's economic analysts need a strong foundation in both theory and application. Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research offers the essential tools for the next generation of macroeconomists. 

    Preface xi

    Preliminaries 1

    Stochastic Processes 2

    Convergence Concepts 3

    Time Series Concepts 8

    Laws of Large Numbers 14

    Central Limit Theorems 16

    Elements of Spectral Analysis 18

    DSGE Models, Solutions, and Approximations 26

    A Few Useful Models 27

    Approximation Methods 45

    Extracting and Measuring Cyclical Information 70

    Statistical Decompositions 72

    Hybrid Decompositions 83

    Economic Decompositions 100

    Time Aggregation and Cycles 104

    Collecting Cyclical Information 105

    VAR Models 111

    The Wold Theorem 112

    Specification 118

    Moments and Parameter Estimation of a VAR(q) 126

    Reporting VAR Results 130

    Identification 141

    Problems 151

    Validating DSGE Models with VARs 159

    GMM and Simulation Estimators 165

    Generalized Method of Moments and Other Standard Estimators 166

    IV Estimation in a Linear Model 169

    GMMEstimation; An Overview 176

    GMM Estimation of...Preface xi

    Preliminaries 1

    Stochastic Processes 2

    Convergence Concepts 3

    Time Series Concepts 8

    Laws of Large Numbers 14

    Central Limit Theorems 16

    Elements of Spectral Analysis 18

    DSGE Models, Solutions, and Approximations 26

    A Few Useful Models 27

    Approximation Methods 45

    Extracting and Measuring Cyclical Information 70

    Statistical Decompositions 72

    Hybrid Decompositions 83

    Economic Decompositions 100

    Time Aggregation and Cycles 104

    Collecting Cyclical Information 105

    VAR Models 111

    The Wold Theorem 112

    Specification 118

    Moments and Parameter Estimation of a VAR(q) 126

    Reporting VAR Results 130

    Identification 141

    Problems 151

    Validating DSGE Models with VARs 159

    GMM and Simulation Estimators 165

    Generalized Method of Moments and Other Standard Estimators 166

    IV Estimation in a Linear Model 169

    GMMEstimation; An Overview 176

    GMM Estimation of DSGE Models 191

    Simulation Estimators 197

    Likelihood Methods 212

    The Kalman Filter 214

    The Prediction Error Decomposition of Likelihood 221

    Numerical Tips 228

    ML Estimation of DSGE Models 230

    Two Examples 240

    Calibration 248

    A Definition 249

    The Uncontroversial Parts 250

    Choosing Parameters and Stochastic Processes 252

    Model Evaluation 259

    The Sensitivity of the Measurement 279

    Savings, Investments, and Tax Cuts: An Example 282

    Dynamic Macro Panels 288

    From Economic Theory to Dynamic Panels 289

    Panels with Homogeneous Dynamics 291

    Dynamic Heterogeneity 304

    To Pool or Not to Pool? 315

    Is Money Superneutral? 321

    Introduction to Bayesian Methods 325

    Preliminaries 326

    Decision Theory 335

    Inference 336

    Hierarchical and Empirical Bayes Models 345

    Posterior Simulators 353

    Robustness 370

    Estimating Returns to Scale in Spain 370

    Bayesian VARs 373

    The Likelihood Function of an m-Variable VAR(q) 374

    Priors for VARs 376

    Structural BVARs 390

    Time-Varying-Coefficient BVARs 397

    Panel VAR Models 404

    Bayesian Time Series and DSGE Models 418

    Factor Models 449

    Stochastic Volatility Models 427

    Markov Switching Models 433

    Bayesian DSGE Models 440

    A Statistical Distributions 463

    References 469

    Index 487   

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