
[중고] Washington at Valley Forge (Paperback, Reprint)
  • 새상품
    22,480원 20,680원 (마일리지1,040원)
  • 판매가
    5,500원 (정가대비 76% 할인)
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    • 출고예상일
      통상 72시간 이내

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      * 2~6개월 무이자 : 우리,BC,농협
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    본문 상급

    Starvation, hypothermia, and the loss of all hope-- at Valley Forge, George Washington and his troops faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles. In overcoming them, they became legends.

    In this comprehensive volume, Newbery Award-winning author Russell Freedman applies his renowned storytelling skills to examine a pivotal moment in the Revolutionary War-- one in which the nation's future leader would be greatly tested. 

    Camped twenty miles outside of Philadelphia at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-78, Washington's ragtag army was at its most vulnerable; but when the harsh winter ended, the soldiers had survived, and marched away from Valley Forge more determined than ever. The British were defeated in 1783, and Washington, for the rest of his life, said that the credit for the American victory belonged to the soldiers who had braved the horrific conditions at Valley Forge.

    A perfect complement to any lesson on the Revolutionary War, Washington at Valley Forge makes this historical moment feel immediate and all too real. A must-have for history buffs, students, and anyone interested in America's past. Impeccably sourced with gorgeous reproductions of engravings, paintings, and more, this NCTE Orbis Pictus Honor Book is now appearing in paperback for the first time. "Another stunning work from the nonfiction virtuoso," says School Library Journal.

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