
[중고] Regulating Sex in the Roman Empire: Ideology, the Bible, and the Early Christians (Hardcover)
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    67,500원 67,290원 (마일리지3,370원)
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    19,800원 (정가대비 71% 할인)
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      50,000원 미만 구매시 택배 3,300원, 도서/산간 5,000원
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      통상 72시간 이내

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    • * 2~3개월 무이자 : 현대,하나
      * 2~5개월 무이자 : 신한,국민,삼성,롯데
      * 2~6개월 무이자 : 우리,BC,농협
      * 전월대비 변동사항 : 비씨 / 우리카드 2~5개월->2~6개월 확장
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    사용한 적 없는 새로운 책입니다. (당연히 밑줄/메모 없습니다.)

    “If I had it in my power, I would make Wheeler-Reed’s groundbreaking book required reading for every member of the Supreme Court.”—John T. Fitzgerald, University of Notre Dame

    “David Wheeler-Reed offers a refreshing reassessment of the ancient “marriage wars,” demonstrating that contemporary claims about the procreative and hetero-normative nature of “Judeo-Christian” values are in fact an ideological ploy: modern marriage norms, he argues, have more in common with first-century Roman imperial legislation than with the practices endorsed either by Jesus or the earliest Christians. Theoretically sophisticated, meticulously researched, and forcefully argued, Regulating Sex acknowledges the stakes of the histories we write and demands an honest accounting of the evidence at hand. Highly recommended.”—Jennifer Knust, Boston University

    “This hard-hitting account of ancient (and modern) ideologies of the family charts the genealogy of ‘anti-familial’ and ‘pro-familial’ discourses from Augustus through the early Christian period, demonstrating their relevance to contemporary discussion of ‘family values.’”—David G. Hunter, University of Kentucky

    “A bold and ambitious study, Regulating Sex in the Roman Empire compellingly maps how early Christians generated sexual ideologies within a cultural field dominated by the Roman state—in ways neither absolutely unique nor radically discontinuous, but nonetheless new.”—Benjamin H. Dunning, Fordham University

    “This book admirably accomplishes one of the prime tasks of scholarship: to analyze data in a new frame, thereby clarifying and complexifying current challenges.  Wheeler-Reed offers such essential scholarship to contemporary American discussions on the meaning of marriage. This is an important book.”—L. Ann Jervis, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto

    "Wheeler-Reed convincingly demonstrates that ancient Romans and Jews strongly valued family life, whereas early Christian authors promoted celibacy. The delightfully controversial consequence is that the modern Christian focus on family is more 'Judeo-Roman' than 'Judeo-Christian.'”—Sarah Rollens, Rhodes College

    “Ambitious . . . [Wheeler-Reed] writes in an easy, readable, perhaps even conversational style unusual for monographs so heavily steeped in critical theory. Most impressive, however, is [his] command of an immense amount of ancient material spanning from Achilles Tatius to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Paul to John Cassian, and Philo to Jovinian.”—M Adryael Tong, Reading Religion

    “A timely book, which seeks to bring history to bear on urgent contemporary questions.”—Caroline Musgrove, Bryn Mawr Classical Review

    “Wheeler-Reed provides a compelling historical argument, and one that fully persuades me.”—Carly Daniel-Hughes, Journal of the American Academy of Religion

    “This study is highly recommended for anyone who seeks to understand discourses of sexuality in the ancient or modern world.”—Eric Stewart, Biblical Theology Bulletin

    “This work, written in elegant prose, brings an important contribution and corrective to current understandings.”—William Loader, Catholic Bible Quarterly

    “Compact, clearly written . . . a compelling, politically important, and stunningly approachable discussion of the way that traditional family values are constructed in the present and the past.”—Candida Moss, Expository Times

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