
  • 판매자 배송
  • [중고] Bzraboken Communication Agencies in Sweden (softcover)
  • kps21 편집부 (지은이)kps212006-01-01
[중고] Bzraboken Communication Agencies in Sweden (softcover)
  • 새상품
    110,000원 104,500원 (마일리지5,230원)
  • 판매가
    45,000원 (정가대비 59% 할인)
  • 상품 상태
    • 배송료
      택배 3,300원, 도서/산간 5,000원
    • 판매자
    • 출고예상일
      통상 72시간 이내

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      * 2~4개월 무이자 : 농협
      * 2~5개월 무이자 : 우리,BC,신한,국민,삼성,롯데
      ▶신한, 국민, 우리, 비씨카드: 기존 2~3개월 → 2~5개월로 확대 

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    Bzraboken Communication Agencies in Sweden


    "Communication agencies in Sweden"-the smart way to select an agency

    This year's edition of "communication Agencies in Sweden" presents 169 agencies. Here you will find details of each agency's special expertise, income, business concept and clients, as well as examples of completed projects.
    New for this year are agencies that have presented examples of completed projects that include a descriptioin of the initial nees analysis, as well as the project's implementation and subsequent result. Agency selection consultants Max Aperia and Nils Welinder ofer tips on how to select the agency bset suited to your requirements. As invaluable to experienced as inexperienced purchasers of agency services.
    The book also contains a numbers of sample agreements and general advice on selecting an agency, as well as Clas Collin's eminent analysis of the structure and current development of the Swedish advertising industry.

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