


Personality Not Included: Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity and How Great Brands Get It Back, Foreword by Guy Kawasaki (Hardcover)

로히트 바르가바(지은이)   McGraw-Hill   2008-04-01
  • [중고] Personality Not Included: Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity and How Great Brands Get It Back, Foreword by Guy Kawasaki (Hardcover)
  • 판매자 : 올인원2  전문셀러
  • 판매가 : 6,200원 (89%↓) │ 상태 :
  • 배송비 : 35,000원 미만 3,500원
  • 평균 출고일 1일 이내
  • [중고] Personality Not Included: Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity and How Great Brands Get It Back, Foreword by Guy Kawasaki (Hardcover)
  • 판매자 : Connect  파워셀러
  • 판매가 : 9,900원 (81%↓) │ 상태 :
  • 배송비 : 40,000원 미만 3,300원
  • 평균 출고일 1일 이내
  • [중고] Personality Not Included: Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity and How Great Brands Get It Back, Foreword by Guy Kawasaki (Hardcover) 소득공제
  • 판매자 : 책둥지  전문셀러
  • 판매가 : 11,000원 (78%↓) │ 상태 : 최상
  • 배송비 : 30,000원 미만 3,000원
  • 평균 출고일 1일 이내