Social Preconditions of National Revival in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of the Social Composition of Patriotic Groups Among the Smaller European Na (Paperback) - A Comparative Analysis of the Social Composition of Patriotic Groups Among the Smaller European Nations

Miroslav Hroch(지은이) Ben Fowkes(옮긴이)   Columbia Univ Pr   2000-01-11
  • [중고] Social Preconditions of National Revival in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of the Social Composition of Patriotic Groups Among the Smaller Europe (Paperback)
  • 판매자 : K반1등  파워셀러
  • 판매가 : 23,000원 (49%↓) │ 상태 : 최상
  • 배송비 : 3,300원
  • 평균 출고일 1일 이내