CORTICAL FUNCTION DURING FINE AND GLOBAL MOTOR CONTROL (Paperback) - The brain exhibiting inter-lobular and inter-hemispheric synchrony during motricity control.
Kortikale Funktion wahrend feiner und globaler Motricity Control (Paperback) - Das Gehirn zeigt inter-lobulare und inter-hemispharische Synchronie wahrend der Bewegungssteuerung.
FUNZIONE CORTICALE DURANTE IL CONTROLLO MOTORIO FINE E GLOBALE (Paperback) - Il cervello che esibisce la sincronia inter-lobulare e inter-emisferica durante il controllo della motricita.
FONCTION CORTICALE PENDANT LE CONTROLE DE LA MOTRICITE FINE ET GLOBALE (Paperback) - Le cerveau presentant une synchronisation inter-lobulaire et inter-hemispherique pendant le controle de la motricite.