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프리즌 브레이크 시즌 1은 45분짜리의 에피소드 22개로 구성된 방대한 작품이다. 따라서 그 책에 소개된 패턴과 구어체를 반복해서 학습한다면 다른 미드 속 패턴과 구어체 역시 쉽게 들을 수 있다는 것이 이 책의 논지이다. 또한 에피소드에 나오는 핵심 단어에 대한 상세한 설명은 물론 '쉬어가는 페이지'에서는 드라마의 특성상 미국문화에 대한 배경지식 없이 이해하기 어려운 부분에 대해 조목조목 짚어주고 있다.

마지막으로, 탈옥을 위한 치밀한 계획과 이를 방해하는 사건들이 전개되는 드라마의 긴장감이 책 속의 예제들 속에 그대로 살아있어 실제 드라마의 박진감을 고스란히 느낄 수 있는 부록 CD와 함께 모든 예제마다 실제 에피소드 속 DVD 시간대를 적어놓음으로써 연습한 내용을 실제로 보면서 확인하는 재미까지 누릴 수 있도록 하였다.

Episode 1. PILOT 첫회
단어 commandment∥fish∥cellie∥ain't∥magna cum laude∥ghostwrite∥smart-ass
패턴 Can I...? ∥ I've already p.p. ∥ Will you...? ∥ You want to...? ∥ I'm -ing ∥ I'm -ing ∥ What were you -ing ∥ You got...
구어체 Gotcha. ∥ Come again? ∥ Good to know. ∥ You name it. ∥ Beat it. ∥ Nice try. ∥ Are you having second thoughts? ∥ Give it time. ∥ I'll take my chances. ∥ I gave him a shot. ∥ Do I know you? ∥ I get it. ∥ Wrap it up. ∥ You got spine. ∥ Fill me in.

Episode 2. ALLEN 앨런
단어 contingency ∥ rave review ∥ bleacher ∥ slam dunk ∥ felon ∥ scumbag ∥ the benefit of the doubt ∥ lockdown
패턴 think about -ing ∥ I'm done -ing ∥ You got...? ∥ I'm gonna ∥ You used to... ∥ All I need is... ∥ would like to... ∥ Could you...?
구어체 You're a hell of a strategist. ∥ What do you think? ∥ It'll pass. ∥ Says who? ∥ Hand it over. ∥ I got news for you. ∥ I'll pass. ∥ Not exactly. ∥ It's an honor. ∥ Put a sock in it. ∥ I want in. ∥ It's not what you think. ∥ I got high that night. ∥ A man's life is at stake. ∥ Better late than never.

Episode 3. CELL TEST 휴대폰 테스트
단어 I. A. ∥ leap of faith ∥ bottomless pit ∥ extenuating ∥ pristine ∥ conjugal ∥ reasonable doubt
패턴 You should... ∥ You have to... ∥ I'll... myself ∥ be not gonna cut it ∥ I think... ∥ Don't hesitate to... ∥ I'm trying to... ∥ I don't know if...
구어체 I'll take it from here. ∥ You can't be serious. ∥ You're one sick puppy. ∥ They've gotten to you, haven't they? ∥ She got spooked. ∥ No priors. ∥ Got it? ∥ What difference does it make? ∥ Let's cut to the chase. ∥ That went well. ∥ Couldn't put my finger on it. ∥ Bygones be bygones. ∥ I'm not really following. ∥ You got a problem with that? ∥ Just a heads-up.

Episode 4. CUTE POISON 즉석 독극물
단어 halfway house ∥ quack ∥ corroborate ∥ shrink ∥ con ∥ junkie ∥ legwork
패턴 be in charge (of)... ∥ be supposed to... ∥ I'll be (right)... ∥ should have p.p. ∥ make + 목적어 + do ∥ All I'm saying is... ∥ I don't know what to... ∥ You've gotta...
구어체 On your feet. ∥ Let's get on with it. ∥ Whatever. ∥ Get out of the way. ∥ You're acting funny. ∥ If that's all right with you. ∥ The engagement's off. ∥ You always were a lousy liar. ∥ You're seein' things. ∥ I know you got a soft spot for the guy. ∥ Make it quick. ∥ Bite me. ∥ Let's just put it this way. ∥ I'll make you a bet. ∥ Couldn't be better.

최근작 :<네이티브는 쉬운 영어로 말한다 : 1000문장 편>,<영어로 연애하기>,<나만의 미드 패턴.표현 노트> … 총 20종 (모두보기)
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