알라딘 중고매장

  • 최저가 : -원 I 최고가 : -원
  • 재고 : 0부
  • - 쇼핑목록에 추가하신 후 목록을 출력하시면 매장에서 간편하게 상품을 찾을 수 있습니다.
[종로점] 서가 단면도

Title 1 Individual Taxation?7
Chapter 01 Exemptions ·················································· 9
Chapter 02 Filing Status ·············································· 12
Chapter 03 Gross Income ··········································· 14
Chapter 04 Depreciation ·············································· 33
Chapter 05 Above The Line Deductions ·················· 40
Chapter 06 Itemized Deductions ································ 47
Chapter 07 Tax Credits ················································ 71
Chapter 08 Tax Payments ··········································· 77

Title 2 Transactions in Property?89
01 Basis of Property ························································· 91
02 Capital Gains and Losses ········································· 92
03 Sale of Business Property ········································· 94
04 Other Disposition of Property ··································· 95

Title 3 Corporations?109
01 Introduction ································································· 111
02 Taxable Income ························································· 120
03 Contribution ································································· 137

최근작 :<2024 미국세법>,<2024 알기 쉬운 상속·증여세>,<2024 Final Review U.S. Taxation> … 총 58종 (모두보기)
소개 :고려대학교 경영학과 졸업
한국 미국 공인회계사(State of California)
재정경제부 정부투자기관 평가위원
지방세 정부합동조사반 파견
영등포세무서 과세적부심 심의위원
감사원.한국생산성본부.KBS방송연수원, 국민대 등 출강
서울디지털대학교 겸임교수(세법실무)
AIFA 출강(미국세법)
한국공인회계사회 연수원 출강(미국세법)