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(종수가 많은) 외서는 해외거래처에서 제공하는 정보가 부족하여 표시하지 못하는 경우가 있습니다.
문의사항은 1:1 상담을 이용해 주십시오.

수상 :0 년 뉴베리상(외서)
최근작 :<꼬마 사업가 그레그>,<단추 전쟁>,<루저 클럽> … 총 417종 (모두보기)
소개 :미국 뉴저지주에서 태어났다. 열렬한 독서가였던 부모님의 영향을 받아 어린 시절부터 책을 사랑했다. 공립 학교에서 학생들을 가르쳤고, 그 경험이 후에 작가가 되어 이야기를 쓰는 데 큰 밑거름이 되었다. 교실에서 벌어지는 유쾌한 언어 전쟁 《프린들 주세요》로 크리스토퍼상 등 수많은 어린이 문학상을 받았고, 학교를 배경으로 한 여러 작품들로 전 세계 독자들의 사랑을 받았다. 우리나라에 소개된 책으로는 《프린들 주세요》, 《말 안 하기 게임》, 《랄슨 선생님 구하기》, 《성적표》, 《위험한 비밀 편지》 등이 있다.

Benjamin Pratt’s school is about to become the site of a new amusement park. It sounds like a dream come true! But lately, Ben has been wondering if he’s going to like an amusement park in the middle of his town—with all the buses and traffic and eight dollar slices of pizza. It’s going to change everything. And, Ben is not so big on all the new changes in his life, like how his dad has moved out and started living in the marina on what used to be the "family” sailboat. Maybe it would be nice if the school just stayed as it is. He likes the school. Loves it, actually. It’s over 200 years old and sits right on the harbor. The playground has ocean breezes and the classrooms have million dollar views…MILLION DOLLAR views. And after a chance—and final—run-in with the school janitor, Ben starts to discover that these MILLION DOLLAR views have a lot to do with the deal to sell the school property. But, as much as the town wants to believe it, the school does not belong to the local government. It belongs to the CHILDREN and these children have the right to defend it! Don’t think Ben, his friend Jill (and the tag-along Robert) can ruin a multimillion dollar real estate deal? Then you don’t know the history and the power of the Keepers of the School. A suspenseful six book series, book one, We the Children, starts the battle on land and on sea. It’s a race to keep the school from turning into a ticket booth and these kids are about to discover just how threatening a little knowledge can be.