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[종로점] 서가 단면도

Curl up for more comedy with Stink and Judy Moody, and feel your belly shake, just like a bowl full of jelly! Judy Moody is making a long list of presents, but all younger 'brother' Stink really wants for Christmas is snow. But it hasn't snowed in Virginia for more than a hundred years, so what are the chances? It looks like Stink will wake up to a very UN-merry Christmas until Judy - with a little help from the mysterious new postman named Jack Frost - steps in to make a Christmas miracle come true.

Curl up for more comedy with Stink and Judy Moody, and feel your belly shake, just like a bowl full of jelly! Judy Moody is making a long list of presents, but all younger 'brother' Stink really wants for Christmas is snow. But it hasn't snowed in Virginia for more than a hundred years, so what are the chances? It looks like Stink will wake up to a very UN-merry Christmas until Judy - with a little help from the mysterious new postman named Jack Frost - steps in to make a Christmas miracle come true.

최근작 :<스팅크 3>,<스팅크 2>,<스팅크 1> … 총 639종 (모두보기)
소개 :미국의 대표적인 아동문학 작가이다. 펜실베이니아에서 다섯 자매 중 막내로 자란 작가는 ‘주디 무디’가 바로 자신의 모습이라고 말한다. 네 명의 언니들과 보낸 어린 시절의 이야기가 그대로 작품 속에 녹아들었다. ‘주디 무디’ 시리즈로 세계 어린이들에게 가장 사랑 받는 작가가 되었다.
최근작 :<폭신한 베개와 오직 사랑뿐 (저자 친필 사인 인쇄본)>,<우리 집 식탁이 사라졌어요!>,<시작해 봐! 너답게> … 총 251종 (모두보기)
소개 :

Judy Moody is making a long list of presents, but all younger 'brother' Stink really wants for Christmas is snow. But it hasn't snowed in Virginia for more than a hundred years, so what are the chances? It looks like Stink will wake up to a very UN-merry Christmas until Judy steps in to make a Christmas miracle come true.