스키니 비치(Skinny Bitch)가 되고자 하는 여성들을 위한 책. 저자는 스키니 비치를 빼빼 마른 여성이 아닌 건강한 몸을 가꾸는 날씬한 여성이라고 전제한다. 자신만의 명확한 기준 속에서 건강한 삶을 위해 똑똑하게 선택하는 여성인 것이다. 그러다 보면 살 빼기는 당연히 따라오는 덤이라고 이 책은 강조한다. 방법은 어렵지 않다. 유기농 허브티를 손에 들고 정크 푸드를 버리는 것이 이 책이 제안하는 올바른 식이요법이다.
Not your typical boring diet book, this is a tart-tongued, no-holds-barred wakeup call to all women who want to be thin. With such blunt advice as, "Soda is liquid Satan" and "You are a total moron if you think the Atkins Diet will make you thin," it's a rallying cry for all savvy women to start eating healthy and looking radiant. Unlike standard diet books, it actually makes the reader laugh out loud with its truthful, smart-mouthed revelations. Behind all the attitude, however, there's solid guidance. Skinny Bitch espouses a healthful lifestyle that promotes whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and encourages women to get excited about feeling "clean and pure and energized."
Not your typical boring diet book, this is a tart-tongued, no-holds-barred wakeup call to all women who want to be thin. With such blunt advice as, "Soda is liquid Satan" and "You are a total moron if you think the Atkins Diet will make you thin," it's a rallying cry for all savvy women to start eating healthy and looking radiant. Unlike standard diet books, it actually makes the reader laugh out loud with its truthful, smart-mouthed revelations. Behind all the attitude, however, there's solid guidance. Skinny Bitch espouses a healthful lifestyle that promotes whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and encourages women to get excited about feeling "clean and pure and energized."