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최근작 :<바다>,<남극.북극>,<사파리> … 총 11종 (모두보기)
소개 :과학 저널리스트이자 저술가로 활동하고 있으며, 《뉴욕타임즈》, 《내셔널 지오그래픽》, 《리더스 다이제스트》 등 여러 대중 매체에도 기고하고 있다.
최근작 :<아웃백>,<바다>,<남극.북극> … 총 23종 (모두보기)
소개 :뉴욕에 거주하고 있는 예술가, 디자이너이자 발명가인 댄은 전 세계적 베스트셀러인 포티큘러 북 시리즈를 제작하였으며, 현재 『사파리』, 『정글』, 『바다』, 『극지방』, 『야생』, 『공룡』, 『아웃백』 등 총 7권을 출간했다. 댄은 홀로그램 전문가들과의 협업 및 수년에 걸친 연구와 실험 끝에 "모션 뷰어"를 만들어 특허를 받았으며, 이를 계기로 포티큘러 북 시리즈를 탄생시켰다.

미리보기 영상: http://youtu.be/1pPyglyah0s

In its extraordinary debut, Safari, introduced the world to Photicular technology. The cheetah bounded, the African elephant flapped its ears?and readers could not believe their eyes. Now the creators of Safari take their work a step further. Ocean offers not only a refinement of inventor Dan Kainen’s Photicular technology, but a subject?undulating creatures of the deep?perfectly suited to the immersive visual pleasure of the process.

Ocean is like being on a dive. Open the book, and the reader is swept into the magic of an underwater world, face-to-face with a floating Yellow-Banded Sweetlips; with a glow-in-the-dark Deep-Sea Anglerfish; with a Sea Horse swaying in balletic motion; with a Sand Tiger Shark gliding along the ocean floor, its gaze haunting, its hook-toothed mouth gulping open and closed.

The text by Carol Kaufmann enchants with its descriptions of coral reefs; a journey on Alvin, the 17-ton submersible; and a meditation on our oceans. Then, for each creature, she writes a lively and informative essay, along with vital statistics?size, habitat, range, diet, and more.

The Photicular process uses an innovative lenticular technology, sliding lenses, and original four-color video imagery. The result is like a movie in your hands?the dance of life in a book.