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[종로점] 서가 단면도

Provides a colorful look at the life cycle of a plant as strong autumn winds blow seeds away where they then must survive an array of challenges to make it to spring where they will have the great opportunity to be the next generation of flowers. Reprint.

Text and illustrations relate the growth of a small seed that survives the winter cold to become a beautiful spring flower.

최근작 :<에릭 칼 그림책 BEST OF BEST 10 A세트 - 전10권>,<에릭 칼 그림책 BEST OF BEST 10 B세트 - 전10권>,<소라게의 집> … 총 1883종 (모두보기)
SNS :http://www.eric-carle.com/home.html
소개 :

In autumn, a strong wind blows flower seeds high in the air and carries them far across the land. One by one, many of the seeds are lost -- burned by the sun, fallen into the ocean, eaten by a bird. But some survive the long winter and, come spring, sprout into plants, facing new dangers -- trampled by playing children, picked as a gift for a friend. Soon only the tiniest seed remains, growing into a giant flower and, when autumn returns, sending its own seeds into the wind to start the process over again.
Eric Carle's eloquent text and brilliant collages turn the simple life cycle of a plant into an exciting story, a nature lesson, and an inspiring message of the importance of perseverance.