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[종로점 내부수리중] 서가 단면도

Profiles the "King of Rock 'n Roll," focusing on how he got his start in singing and how his style influenced later musicians.

Who Was Series 시리즈

친숙한 그림과 재미있는 문체로 만나는 위인들 이야기

대상: 초등 고학년생~중학생
* Books (30)
* Audio Set (Book + CD) (30)
* Book Full Set

Who Was 시리즈는 우리가 이미 알고 있는 익숙한 위인들과 미국 근현대사, 유럽 및 기타 제3국 인물들의 일대기를 다룬 위인전입니다. 위인들이 고난과 역경을 헤쳐나가는 모습, 능력을 계발하고 성장해 나가는 과정은 독자에게 삶의 교훈을 주고 자기 계발의 동기를 부여합니다.

최근작 : … 총 27종 (모두보기)
최근작 :<마법사 부부의 아기 보기 펑!>,<라스베가스를 떠나며> … 총 419종 (모두보기)
소개 :지금까지 100여 권의 어린이책에 그림을 그렸다. 우리나라에는 《피보나치》와 《아이, 달콤해》, 직접 쓰고 그린 《마법사 부부의 아기 보기 펑!》 이외에도 20여 권의 그림책이 소개되었다. 글을 쓰거나 그림을 그리지 않을 때는, 악기를 연주하기도 하고, 뉴저지 주 어느 해변가에서 인명 구조원으로 활동한다. 지금 뉴저지 주 델런에서 살고 있다.

A fascinating biography of an icon of American pop culture shows how his musical style was developed in his humble Mississippi roots and how he ushered in the age of rock and roll by changing popular music forever. Original.

Profiles the "King of Rock 'n Roll," focusing on how he got his start in singing and how his style influenced later musicians.

Put on your blue suede shoes and get ready for another addition to the Who Was&;? series! The King could not have come from humbler origins: Born in Tupelo, Mississippi, during the Depression, he grew up with the blues music of the rural South, the gospel music of local churches, and the country-western classics. But he forged a sound all his own&;and a look that was all his own, too. With curled lip, swiveling hips, and greased pompadour, Elvis changed popular music forever, ushering in the age of rock and roll. Geoff Edgers&;s fascinating biography of this icon of American pop culture includes black and- white illustrations on nearly every spread.

Put on your blue suede shoes and get ready for another addition to the Who Was…? series! The King could not have come from humbler origins: Born in Tupelo, Mississippi, during the Depression, he grew up with the blues music of the rural South, the gospel music of local churches, and the country-western classics. But he forged a sound all his own—and a look that was all his own, too. With curled lip, swiveling hips, and greased pompadour, Elvis changed popular music forever, ushering in the age of rock and roll. Geoff Edgers’s fascinating biography of this icon of American pop culture includes black and- white illustrations on nearly every spread.