알라딘 중고매장

  • 최저가 : 2,900원 I 최고가 : 2,900원
  • 재고 : 1부 I 도서 위치 : E17 [위에서부터 5번째칸]
  • - 쇼핑목록에 추가하신 후 목록을 출력하시면 매장에서 간편하게 상품을 찾을 수 있습니다.
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------------Book Description-------------
It's Froggy's mother's birthday, and Froggy wants to bake her birthday cake all by himself. He gathers the chocolate, the sugar, the eggs, the flour, and pretty soon, Froggy has all the ingredients he needs to make?a big mess! Jonathan London and Frank Remkiewicz have collaborated on the six previous Froggy books, and they've cooked up another winner here, sweetened with generous helpings of Froggy humor and charm.

------------Book Description-------------
It's Froggy's mother's birthday, and Froggy wants to bake her birthday cake all by himself. He gathers the chocolate, the sugar, the eggs, the flour, and pretty soon, Froggy has all the ingredients he needs to make?a big mess! Jonathan London and Frank Remkiewicz have collaborated on the six previous Froggy books, and they've cooked up another winner here, sweetened with generous helpings of Froggy humor and charm.

최근작 :<앰 아이 블루?>,<누리과정 유아 4세 필독서 세트 - 전10권>,<엄마는 나만의 의사 선생님> … 총 370종 (모두보기)
소개 :뉴욕 브루클린에서 태어났으며 사회과학을 전공해 석사학위를 받았다. 20년 넘게 시와 단편소설을 썼으며, 자신의 아이들이 태어난 후부터 동화를 쓰기 시작했다. 지은 책으로 <아기 토끼의 소원>, <회색늑대의 눈>, <엄마의 사랑을 세어볼까?>, <내가 동생을 돌볼래요>, <꾸러기, 학교에 가다!>, <앰 아이 블루?>(공저) 등이 있다.

Since it is his mother's birthday, Froggy decides to bake a cake all by himself, but after he gathers up all the ingredients, what he ends up making is a big mess. Original.

As he helps his father prepare to celebrate his mother's birthday, Froggy makes a big mess trying to do things his own way.

It's Froggy's mother's birthday, and Froggy wants to bake her birthday cake all by himself. He gathers the chocolate, the sugar, the eggs, the flour, and pretty soon, Froggy has all the ingredients he needs to make&;a big mess!

Jonathan London and Frank Remkiewicz have collaborated on the six previous Froggy books, and they've cooked up another winner here, sweetened with generous helpings of Froggy humor and charm.

It's Froggy's mother's birthday, and Froggy wants to bake her birthday cake all by himself. He gathers the chocolate, the sugar, the eggs, the flour, and pretty soon, Froggy has all the ingredients he needs to make?a big mess! Jonathan London and Frank Remkiewicz have collaborated on the six previous Froggy books, and they've cooked up another winner here, sweetened with generous helpings of Froggy humor and charm.