알라딘 중고매장

  • 최저가 : 3,100원 I 최고가 : 3,100원
  • 재고 : 1부 I 도서 위치 : E16 [위에서부터 3번째칸]
  • - 쇼핑목록에 추가하신 후 목록을 출력하시면 매장에서 간편하게 상품을 찾을 수 있습니다.
[종로점] 서가 단면도

The hour was late and Mr Bear was tired. But he could not sleep - however he tried and wherever he tried, SNORE, SNORE went Mrs Bear. TICK-TOCK, TICK-TOCK went the clock. Would he never get to sleep? The familiar noises, repetition and beautiful illustrations make this delightful picture book an all-time favourite with children and adults everywhere.

The hour was late and Mr Bear was tired. But he could not sleep - however he tried and wherever he tried, SNORE, SNORE went Mrs Bear. TICK-TOCK, TICK-TOCK went the clock. Would he never get to sleep? The familiar noises, repetition and beautiful illustrations make this delightful picture book an all-time favourite with children and adults everywhere.

최근작 :<꼴찌 마녀 밀드레드 8>,<꼴찌 마녀 밀드레드 7>,<꼴찌 마녀 밀드레드 6> … 총 293종 (모두보기)
소개 :1949년 영국 런던에서 태어났다. 열다섯 살 때부터 글을 쓰기 시작해, 1974년 첫 권을 출간한 〈꼴찌 마녀(The Worst Witch)〉 시리즈로 큰 성공을 거두었다. 귀엽고 사랑스러운 꼴찌 마녀 시리즈는 TV 드라마, 뮤지컬로 제작되며 큰 사랑을 받았다. 이후 코끼리 가족의 일상을 정감 있게 묘사한 〈행복한 덩치 가족(The Large Family)〉 시리즈를 출간하며, 전 세계 어린이의 사랑을 받는 동화 작가로 거듭나게 되었다. 1995년에는 『마지막 누누(The Last Noo-Noo)』로 스마티스상을 받았다.

The hour was late and Mr Bear was tired. But he could not sleep - however he tried and wherever he tried. Snore, snore went Mrs Bear. Tick-tock, tick-tock went the clock. Would he never get to sleep? The familiar noises, repetition and beautiful illustrations make Jill Murphy's delightful Peace at Last an all-time favourite bedtime story with children and adults everywhere.