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[종로점] 서가 단면도

Winnie's sisters have given her a flying carpet but Winnie is struggling to find something nice to say about it in her thank-you letter as the carpet has been more than a little wayward. Winnie decides to give the carpet one last chance but then disaster strikes. The carpet swoops off with poor Wilbur as its unwilling passenger. Winnie tries to catch it but the carpet is too fast for her and it heads straight for a funfair where it subjects Wilbur to a string of crazy rides. Winnie has to resort to magic to stop the carpet in its tracks and rescue her beloved moggy. Then she takes Wilbur home and, ever the resourceful witch, she has an idea for a wonderful way to enjoy the carpet in the safety of her own garden. This story is full of noisy antics: a collision with a rubbish truck, a splash-down into a pond, and a sequence of exciting rides at the funfair are just some of the wonderful sound-effect additions to the narration of Winnie's Flying Carpet on the accompanying audio CD.

Winnie's sisters have given her a flying carpet but Winnie is struggling to find something nice to say about it in her thank-you letter as the carpet has been more than a little wayward. Winnie decides to give the carpet one last chance but then disaster strikes. The carpet swoops off with poor Wilbur as its unwilling passenger. Winnie tries to catch it but the carpet is too fast for her and it heads straight for a funfair where it subjects Wilbur to a string of crazy rides. Winnie has to resort to magic to stop the carpet in its tracks and rescue her beloved moggy. Then she takes Wilbur home and, ever the resourceful witch, she has an idea for a wonderful way to enjoy the carpet in the safety of her own garden. This story is full of noisy antics: a collision with a rubbish truck, a splash-down into a pond, and a sequence of exciting rides at the funfair are just some of the wonderful sound-effect additions to the narration of Winnie's Flying Carpet on the accompanying audio CD.

최근작 :<마녀 위니 (35주년 기념 특별 한정판)>,<마녀 위니, 마녀 축제에 가다!>,<마녀 위니가 윌버를 처음 만난 날> … 총 349종 (모두보기)
소개 :1987년 「마녀 위니」 이야기를 쓰기 시작한 뒤로 마녀 위니와 윌버에게 갖가지 모험을 시켜 줬어요. 요술 빗자루랑 하늘을 나는 양탄자에 태우기도 하고, 유령의 집에 들어가게도 하고, 공룡 박물관도 구경시켜 줬지요. 심지어 해적선에도 태워 주고, 우주로 날려 보내기도 했어요. 지금은 호주에 살면서 비록 진짜 요술 빗자루는 없지만 세계 여러 나라를 많이 돌아다닌답니다.
최근작 :<마녀 위니가 윌버를 처음 만난 날>,<마녀 위니의 야생 동물 탐험>,<비룡소 그림동화 베스트 리커버 세트 (리커버 5권 + 수첩 5종)> … 총 417종 (모두보기)
소개 :1951년 짐바브웨에서 태어난 유명한 그림책 작가예요. 40권이 넘는 「마녀 위니」 시리즈 말고도 수많은 어린이책과 시집에 그림을 그렸어요. 자신이 ‘세계에서 가장 위대한 초상화가’일 거라고 굳게 믿고 있지요. 또 세계 여러 나라를 돌아다니며 어린이들을 만나는 걸 좋아해서 우리나라에도 왔었어요. 부인과 함께 영국 옥스퍼드에 살면서 남아프리카 공화국식 바비큐인 ‘브라이’를 꾸준히 만들어 먹곤 하지요.

Winnie's sisters have given her a flying carpet but Winnie is struggling to find something nice to say about it in her thank-you letter as the carpet has been more than a little wayward. Winnie decides to give the carpet one last chance but then disaster strikes. The carpet swoops off with poor Wilbur as its unwilling passenger.