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최근작 :<지구 최고의 수영 선수 바다거북>,<내 인생을 바꿔놓은 열일곱 살의 바다> … 총 59종 (모두보기)
소개 :다수의 세계 신기록을 보유한 장거리 수영선수이자 베스트셀러 작가이다. 영국해협 횡단 최단 기록 보유자이며 남극해, 남아프리카 희망봉, 칠레의 마젤란 해협을 최초로 수영한 선수이다. 국제 수영 명예의 전당에 이름을 올렸으며, 2015년 발견된 소행성에 그녀의 이름이 붙여졌다. 자신의 경험을 바탕으로 『남극으로의 수영』 『태양과 함께 남쪽으로』 등을 썼으며 어린이와 청소년을 위한 그림책 『지구 최고의 수영 선수 바다거북』 『바다의 여왕 엘리자베스』 등을 썼다.

A noted long-distance swimmer with a love for cold water describes her eventful career in the sport, from her record-breaking English Channel crossing and her 1987 swim across the Bering Strait from America to the Soviet Union to her exploits in the Straits of Magellan, Lake Baikal, and Antarctica. Reprint.

A noted long-distance swimmer with a love for cold water describes her record-breaking English Channel crossing, her 1987 swim across the Bering Strait, and exploits in the Straits of Magellan, Lake Baikal, and Antarctica.

Now in paperback, with photos and maps added especially for this new edition, here is the acclaimed life story of a woman whose drive and determination inspire everyone she touches.

Lynne Cox started swimming almost as soon as she could walk. By age sixteen, she had broken all records for swimming the English Channel. Her daring eventually led her to the Bering Strait, where she swam five miles in thirty-eight-degree water in just a swimsuit, cap, and goggles. In between those accomplishments, she became the first to swim the Strait of Magellan, narrowly escaped a shark attack off the Cape of Good Hope, and was cheered across the twenty-mile Cook Strait of New Zealand by dolphins. She even swam a mile in the Antarctic.

Lynne writes the same way she swims, with indefatigable spirit and joy, and shares the beauty of her time in the water with a poet's eye for detail. She has accomplished yet another feat--writing a new classic of sports memoir.