알라딘 중고매장

  • 최저가 : 2,700원 I 최고가 : 2,700원
  • 재고 : 1부 I 도서 위치 : E18 [위에서부터 2번째칸]
  • - 쇼핑목록에 추가하신 후 목록을 출력하시면 매장에서 간편하게 상품을 찾을 수 있습니다.
[종로점] 서가 단면도

Dullandon Primary School runs strictly by the headmaster's timetable until the day a supply teacher, Miss Pandemonium, arrives. Within a week she has everyone trying to fly in home-made helicopters, making Friendship Cake which is far too friendly, and she even persuades the head, Mr Shrapnell, to cross the swimming pool in a leaky tin tub. Mr Shrapnell thinks it's all too much to put up with but, when the school inspector praises the school for its creative work, he comes round to her way of thinking.

Dullandon Primary School runs strictly by the headmaster's timetable until the day a supply teacher, Miss Pandemonium, arrives. Within a week she has everyone trying to fly in home-made helicopters, making Friendship Cake which is far too friendly, and she even persuades the head, Mr Shrapnell, to cross the swimming pool in a leaky tin tub. Mr Shrapnell thinks it's all too much to put up with but, when the school inspector praises the school for its creative work, he comes round to her way of thinking.

최근작 :<아르마딜로와 산토끼 2>,<아르마딜로와 산토끼>,<제트기만큼 빠른 개 길들이기> … 총 334종 (모두보기)
소개 :초등학교 교장 선생님으로 일했으며, 지금까지 100권 넘는 책을 쓴 베스트셀러 작가입니다. 아주 오래전, 제레미는 몇몇 동물 친구들에 관한 이야기를 쓰기 시작했습니다. 타자기로 글을 써 내려갔는데 좀처럼 이야기를 이어갈 수가 없었습니다. 그로부터 40년 후, 제레미는 동물 친구들 이야기를 다시 써보기로 했습니다. 그래서 새로운 단짝 친구, 아르마딜로와 산토끼가 탄생했습니다.

Dullandon Primary School runs strictly by the headmaster's timetable until the day a supply teacher, Miss Pandemonium, arrives. Within a week she has everyone trying to fly in home-made helicopters, making Friendship Cake which is far too friendly, and she even persuades the head, Mr Shrapnell, to cross the swimming pool in a leaky tin tub. Mr Shrapnell thinks it's all too much to put up with but, when the school inspector praises the school for its creative work, he comes round to her way of thinking.