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  • - 쇼핑목록에 추가하신 후 목록을 출력하시면 매장에서 간편하게 상품을 찾을 수 있습니다.
[종로점] 서가 단면도

For the first time in the history of the Little House books, this new edition features Garth Williams’ interior art in vibrant, full color, as well as beautifully redesigned covers.

The adventures continue for Laura Ingalls and her family as they leave their little house in the Big Woods of Wisconsin and set out for Kansas. They travel for many days in their covered wagon until they find the best spot to build their little house on the prairie. Soon they are planting and plowing, hunting wild ducks and turkeys, and gathering grass for their cows. Sometimes pioneer life is hard, but Laura and her folks are always busy and happy in their new little house.

80년대 국내 TV 외화 시리즈로도 우리에게 친숙한 미국 작가 로라 잉걸스 와일더의 <초원의 집>. 남북전쟁이 끝난 지 얼마 지나지 않은 1870년대 서부 개척 시대를 배경으로, 매 이야기마다 조금 더 나은 보금자리를 찾아나서는 로라네 가족 이야기가 담겨 있다.

로라가 네 살 때 시작된 이 이야기는 열여덟 살이 되어 결혼하게 되는 마지막 권에 이르기까지 가족의 고난과 역경의 시절을 되짚는다. 모든 것을 자급자족해야 했던 변경의 개척지, 그곳의 일상생활이 어린 소녀의 눈을 통해 아기자기하게 그려졌다.

작가의 자서전인 동시에 19세기 후반의 미국 사회상을 온전히 담고 있는 이 책은, 미국에서 어린이와 청소년들의 필독서로 꼽힌다. 개척 정신을 바탕으로 끈끈한 유대를 보여준 로라의 가족은 미국의 아이콘이 되었고, 작품 자체는 "미국 역사의 교과서"라는 평을 받았다.

For the first time in the history of the Little House books, this new edition features Garth Williams’ interior art in vibrant, full color, as well as beautifully redesigned covers.

The adventures continue for Laura Ingalls and her family as they leave their little house in the Big Woods of Wisconsin and set out for Kansas. They travel for many days in their covered wagon until they find the best spot to build their little house on the prairie. Soon they are planting and plowing, hunting wild ducks and turkeys, and gathering grass for their cows. Sometimes pioneer life is hard, but Laura and her folks are always busy and happy in their new little house.

수상 :0 년 뉴베리상, 0 년 뉴베리상(외서)
최근작 :<초원의 집>,<초원의 집 9권 세트>,<초원의 집 1> … 총 534종 (모두보기)
소개 :

Immerse yourself in Laura Ingalls Wilder's beloved Little House series, now featuring Garth Williams' classic art in vibrant full-color.

Laura Ingalls and her family are heading to Kansas Leaving behind their home in the Big Woods of Wisconsin, they travel by covered wagon until they find the perfect spot to build a little house on the prairie. Laura and her sister Mary love exploring the rolling hills around their new home, but the family must soon get to work, farming and hunting and gathering food for themselves and for their livestock. Just when the Ingalls family starts to settle into their new home, they find themselves caught in the middle of a conflict. Will they have to move again?

The nine books in the timeless Little House series tell the story of Laura's real childhood as an American pioneer, and are cherished by readers of all generations. They offer a unique glimpse into life on the American frontier, and tell the heartwarming, unforgettable story of a loving family.